***Bowring. 2017. Reducing Restrictive Practice through data informed Positive Behavioural Support. BILD online***(PDF) Reducing Restrictive Practice through data informed Positive Behaviour Support (researchgate.net)
***Bowring et al. 2017. Prev. of Challenging Behaviour...British Journal of Clinical Psychology*** http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/bjc.12118/full
***Bowring et al. 2017. Prev. of Psychotropic medication use & association with challenging behaviour...Journal of Intellectual Disability Research*** http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jir.12359/full
***Bowring et al. 2018. Towards data based clinical decision making for adults with challenging behaviour using the Behavior Problems Inventory – Short Form (BPI-S)...Tizard Learning Disability Review***
***Bowring et al. 2019. Outcomes from a community‐based Positive Behavioural Support team for children and adults with developmental disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities***
***Bowring & Toogood. 2019. The use of ‘Positive Greetings at the Door’ to increase on-task behaviour in a vocational training centre. International Journal of Positive Behavioural Support***
***Bowring et al. 2019. Designing specialist community-based behavioural support teams. International Journal of Positive Behavioural Support***Designing specialist community-based behavioural support teams: Ingenta Connect
***Bowring et al. 2019. Prevalence of challenging behaviours in adults with ID, correlates and association with mental health. Current Developmental Disorders Reports***Prevalence of Challenging Behaviour in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities, Correlates, and Association with Mental Health | SpringerLink
***McMahon, Bowring & Hatton. 2019. Not such an ordinary life. A comparison of employment, marital status and housing profiles of adults with and without ID. Tizard Learning Disability Review*** Not such an ordinary life: a comparison of employment, marital status and housing profiles of adults with and without intellectual disabilities | Emerald Insight
*** McMahon, M., Hatton, C., Bowring, D.L. 2020. Polypharmacy and psychotropic polypharmacy in adults with intellectual disability: a cross‐sectional total population study Journal of Intellectual Disability Research **** Polypharmacy and psychotropic polypharmacy in adults with intellectual disability - Research Portal | Lancaster University (lancs.ac.uk)
*** Bowring & Toogood. 2021. Positive Behavioural Support. In D. Spain, F. Musich, and S.W. White (Eds). Psychological Therapies for Adults with Autism. New York: Oxford University Press.***
***Gore et al (incl. Bowring). 2022. Positive Behavioural Support in the UK: A State of the Nation report. International Journal of Positive Behavioural Support. Positive Behavioural Support in the UK: A State of the Nation Rep...: Ingenta Connect
***McTiernan, A. & Bowring, D L. 2024. The evolution of values in the science of behaviour analysis: a discussion paper. Inernational Journal of Positive Behavioural Support. IJPBS journal Spring 2024 (bild.org.uk)